Merry Christmas and a joy filled New Year to all of our community and supporters.
This past year we have witnessed folks struggling in their day to day lives and reaching out for encouragement and a helping hand. In being a witness to this we are struck by the spirit of humility and great strength and courage these folks show to us in their journey of rising above their personal or family situation. Our mental health program has helped 296 over the last 12 months averaging 25 visits per month during 2018 and the need is not going to lessen in 2019. Our daily drop-in has had 8387 visits and we have served 3257 bowls of soup on Wednesdays. Our food bank depot has helped with 617 hampers until December 10. The Miyowayawin clinic turns away more people than it can serve on the Monday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week. Our renovated kitchen is hosting a collective kitchen 7 times so far since September with 37 participating and 82 meals prepared for families and that has made the centre feel like a busy home with great kitchen smells. Our fitness studio has helped women prepare for things like a half marathon, a summer running group and a lady gaga inspired Zumba evening. The board and staff have also worked on a new logo and some visioning and mission changes for the up coming year. This is just a short list of the programs that go on under our roof.
So to help keep this programming going strong and creating vibrant community we are asking you to join us in a fund raising campaign to replace our 30 year old roof. It would be a great encouragement if you could participate in our “Shingle all the way! Operation re-roof” to raise $40,000 towards re-roofing in the spring of 2019. We are aware of the many charities out there that need your support but we hope you see the strength in our programming and the valuable services we provide in an area of Edmonton where we are the only social service agency providing all these services for the area. All gifts over $20 dollars are eligible for a tax receipt, but your donation of $5 or $10 dollars all help achieve our fund raising goal. Please donate through our online function with Canada or writing a check to Edmonton native healing centre or drop off your donation on a Wednesday so you can enjoy our soup & bannock meal. Our board and staff thank-you in advance for supporting our “Shingle all the way, operation Re-roofing” campaign. Blessings of Peace and Joy this Christmas season.
Harold Roscher
Executive director